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About CeBiGH
The Genesis
The Centre for Biosecurity and Global Health (CEBIGH) was approved in 2012 by Makerere University Council as one of the key structural and functional units that would bring about the realization of a new breed of comprehensive veterinary colleges in Africa with a holistic mandate to cover Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity development using a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach (One Health).
CEBIGH is one of those units directed by H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda to be established at Makerere University in realization of a regional Veterinary College, Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (COVAB).
CeBiGH Key Programs
Zoonotics and other Bio-threats
- National, regional and global bio-threats
- Emerging and re-emerging threat
- Zoonotic and non-zoonotic bio-threats
Food safety and biochemical threats
- Food security and food safety
- Drug safety and drug resistance
- Forensic and eco-toxicology
Biotechnology and Natural products
- Vaccine, drugs and diagnostics development
- Nanotechnology and synthetic biology
- Microbial applications
- Natural products development
- Bioinformatics
Diagnostics and surveillance services
- Screening and confirmatory tests
- Collaborative surveillance services and early warning systems
Bio-economy & Biometry
- Products formulation, testing and packaging
- Incubation Centre for biochemical products
- Disease economics
- Data management
CeBiGH Management

Prof. Enock Matovu

Dr. Monica Namayanja

Dr. Kizito Bujimba
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Head Office
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security.
Makerere University
CoVAB, Makerere University
Email: admin@cebigh.com